

Check out Pepper's Blogs:

Quilt Flap

Pepper at the Quilt Studio




How to Become a More Creative Quiltmaker


Enjoy Pepper's humorous look at the myths surrounding artistic creativity. She gives useful advice on developing your ability to learn more easily, tips on time management, plus an unconventional look at organizing your fabric stash.


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Waste Not, Want Not


The Amish of the Mid-West have a special style when making scrap quilts. Hear a brief history of the Amish people, their migration to the United States, and the development of their unique quilting style. Approximately 85 slides of unusual Amish scrap quilts.

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The Art of Real Scrap Quilting


What defines a scrap quilt today? Are there any boundaries when making a scrap quilt? Listen to famous quiltmakers' views on scrap quilts and see examples from Pepper's personal collection. Most popular lecture!

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On the Trail of the Drunkard's Path


This classic Drunkard's Path quilt pattern has an interesting history and comes to us from England and, before that, ancient Rome! See slides of Drunkard's Path variations plus quilts from Pepper's collection.

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